Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Reasons for Change

What?! Two years as a full time photographer? I am officially on cloud nine that Lindsay Foster Photography has been so successful. I really could not have done this without all my wonderful clients and most importantly my family. My family has given me the chance to take a chance. And for that I am so grateful. So, in return, I am making some changes to Lindsay Foster Photography to help create a good balance between work and family.

My two girls are now 7 and 5 years old. I always had the mindset that the older they got the less they would need me and be more independent.  I was obviously very wrong. So much so, that most moms are probably rolling their eyes at me with a big "Duhhhhhh".

Summer is practically here and my girls have decided that they would like to be involved with a desired activity this year. To me, that is wonderful and scary! How will I ever find the time and money to balance this busy time of year? I think the answer is in setting priorities and realizing that I will never get to experience this age with my kids again, so just do it!

Lindsay Foster Photography specializes in Birth, Newborn and Child Milestone photography, and for the most part I can work Monday to Friday 9-4 easily, so therefore I will be taking weekends as my own family time. My newborn clients will be top priority within my business and would I love to offer all my newborn clients a chance to book a family session within the first year of their child's life.
Unfortunately, I will not be offering family sessions to those who have not had a newborn session with me within the year.

I have spent days and nights trying to figure out how to accommodate everyone. I get requests for newborn and family sessions on a daily basis. However, since I specialize and very much enjoy newborn up to one year milestones, I have made the decision to accommodate them the best I can.

I know this is unfortunate to those seeking family and other session types with me.  I will try my best to arrange a few outdoor family mini days throughout the year. I would also love to challenge myself by creating unique and custom sessions for a variety of different themes, ages and genres etc.. All these organized days will be announced as an event on my Facebook page. So please keep your eyes and ears open for such occasions because as we all know, these spots go fast and I can only do so many in one day. Quite often I will seek out an individual for a model and typically this is a free session, which is always a treat :)

I am so fortunate to have many photographer friends local to me and I am happy to refer people to them if a session with me is not possible.  At the same time, I feel confident knowing that they would also refer me to any newborn and child milestone requests they cannot accommodate as well.

Every year brings something a little different, so my hopes are that in time, I will be able to do a little more in regards to family sessions once my girls get older. I will do whatever I can to keep this business going strong for many years.  From taking pictures, to editing and organizing and researching new ideas, I thoroughly enjoy it all.

What I love most from all my clients, is that they completely understand my decision because they are parents as well. All we ever want to do is to create a great life for our children and know that we were able to show our children that working is important, but so is family. By creating a perfect balance between these two important matters in our life, we can keep everyone happy.

My Family

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