Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Climbing the Ladder

I think it's fair to say that since I started photography well over a year ago that there has been progress.
It's scary at times to look back and see what I thought were great pictures at the time are now somewhat of an embarrassment, yet a sure sign of great improvement. And of course, I owe a HUGE Thank you to those that allowed me to practice this love for photography. Without such people I wouldn't be where I am today.

My goal when I started out was to keep photography a hobby, but as time went on I got busier and busier and went from $80.00 per session to $100.00 per session. Ha ha, I am sure in time I will look back at that and shake my head (What was I thinking!!??). Though, it is a passion, I must keep in mind that with all this time spent on sessions along with my full time job, 2 kids and a house, I need compensation. And that was clarified 100% when I attended the Jaiden Photography workshop in Ohio at the beginning of July. Her many words of advice was to explain WHY you are worth what you charge. Arrrghh! That is easier said than done. Especially considering that I hate to disappoint and upset people.

So I came accross this message from another photographer and she couldn't have said it better, so here it is:

This is merely an example and just some rough numbers, but more put together as an example!!!

Say you do a session for $100 with a cd of all the images. AWESOME right??? You just made $100 bucks right??!! Score!!!!
Lets break down that $100. Say you shoot 4 of these sessions in one month.

$100 received for session
$30 off the top put aside for taxes
leaves $70.
The cost for your website is $16 a month (Through portfoliositez). If you shot 4 sessions that month that is on average $4 a session to pay for it.
You are down to $66.
If you get insurance (to protect yourself and your clients) at an average of $40 a month over 4 sessions That is $10 a session.
You are down to $56
The cost for the CD and case $1.00
You are down to $55
10% towards new gear savings and replacements like batteries and such $10.00
You are down to $45
$4 for gas to and from your session
You are down to $41.00
Ok so there are more expenses, (say if you have to hire a babysitter to watch your kids or if your spouse has to leave work so you can shoot, and other things.. the cost to get a business license, Photoshop.. those kind of goodies.) but let us leave it here for simplicity. You have now made $41.00 from that session. Great!!
Lets break this down by the time you invested into the session

1.5 hours in emails and session prep. Contract signing and emailing back and forth with the client in regards to pricing and location and answering questions. Prepping your gear and getting everything ready.
1 hour in travel round trip. (30 minutes each way) (my sessions are on an average 25 to 30 minutes from my house)
2 hours shooting your session.
.5 hours downloading your images and organizing them and putting your gear away.
3 hours editing your session.
.5 hours prepping your cd and packaging it and mailing it.
1 hour sharing and posting your session on facebook and marketing the session in hopes to get new clients.

You have now spent at least 9.5 hours into your session.
If you take $41 and divide it by 9.5 hours you are making $4.31 an hour for the session. If you count the cost for a babysitter for your kids or if your session is farther or if you take longer to edit or if you shoot longer, or if your insurance costs more (mine is nearly $75 a month), or if you only shoot 1 or 2 sessions that month, you are making even less money.

Is that $4.31 worth being away from your kids? Worth the time and trouble?!! Now.... I am not saying you can start a business and charge hundreds and thousands of dollars. Everyone has to "pay their dues". That is why the government allows you to claim a loss for the first 3 years! But please be a business woman/man. Know that it is a real business, and that you are not actually making $100 from that shoot.

Please understand that photography is a real job.... and not a quick way to make a quick buck. Please please please value your time, and your families time!!! :) If you don’t, who will?!!!

So, I have sat down and made up a whole new pricing package for Lindsay Foster Photography.
Check it out.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fitting it all in!

Well, I think the hardest part of being an adult is trying to prioritize things. At this point in my life I have everything I have ever asked for and more! So, with a house that we are currently "making our own" with renovations after renovation, two young girls that I just cannot get enough of and never will, a full time job at our family business Monday-Friday 8-5, and the most spectacular job/hobby in photography that I could ever ask for........ it can all add up!

My dream was to be able to photograph it all. Whatever came my way - I did it! However, yet again, I have to take a step back and........prioritize.

FYI! I will NOT be quitting photography and I cannot see that happening anytime in the distant future. I love it, and it makes me who I am. Not to mention all my fans & clients who have been so complimentary, Thank You.

My change allows me to make positive changes for myself, my family, my house, and in time, my clients.
My full time job at our family business is my future and my families future. They are nice enough to allow me to be flexible with my birth clients and edit pictures whenever possible. When I am called upon, I can leave, which is a bonus!

My available time for kids, house, husband and photography have to be divided on weekends and evenings throughout the week, which is why I have decided to narrow down my services to Newborns and Births. My reason? Newborns are not on a schedule and therefore can be easily scheduled in later in the evening or early on a Sunday morning. Births happen (the majority of the time) during the night which allows me to leave my kids with my husband and NOT feel guilty about time not spent with them.

This change will guarantee that pictures will be completed within a reasonable time frame for all my clients. It eases MY mind knowing that as well. Most of my clients are totally supportive and willing to wait for their pictures, but I can't! I can't stand making people wait too long.

The GOOD news for those that are reading this and feeling somewhat upset, is that I have also prioritized the older kids and families into my new game plans as well, Yahoo!!

* I will have packages for people who are wanting "milestone" pictures of their child. This will include Newborn, 3 month, 6 month, and1 year pictures!!  It must be a package, no exceptions.

* I will also arrange certain days throughout the year for mini sessions.  These sessions will include families, siblings and older children & teens.

* I will also try my hardest to continue Holiday Photo days for Christmas & Easter since they seem to work out great!

My goal is to be as accommodating as possible without making it difficult to keep up, and risk getting all you lovely fans/clients upset.

My Facebook and Website will be going through some changes, so please be patient with me.

These changes will be taking effect after I return July 8th from my Newborn Workshop in Ohio.
(All my prices are subject to change as well)

Thanks for taking the time to read this post!! Muahhhhh!


Friday, March 2, 2012

Getting Serious!!

I cannot begin to tell you how exciting & rewarding my life has become since starting photography. I really never knew what it was like to enjoy what I do 100%!

It's been over one year already and I have made sure to cover families, maternity, children, animals, weddings, newborns and births. With that said, I have chosen to eliminate weddings as a service I offer due to the overwhelming amount of time that is needed to cover a whole wedding. And I'm sure most moms would agree that time with family is a MUST.
Now, by far, my LOVE resignates around Birth, Newborns & Children!  Why? Because everything is so natural and candid. Newborns are so natural, and though their positions can be altered & placed just about anywhere, their precious little forms are what captures our love & attention naturally. Children are a cameras best friend when it comes to candidness and it gives me great joy to give parents pictures of their children just being who they are. "Who they are" changes so quickly as they grow up, that it makes a great keepsake for parents to remember exactly how they looked & behaved at that stage in their life.

Births. They make me speechless. I can't help but get all teared up as I am photographing a birth. It's such a beautiful and rewarding time for parents, but also such a blur. That is why I love being there. I get to catch all the moments of birth that they missed through all the intense & emotional moments. Every phase of  labor is a keepsake. From Daddy quietly supporting his wife's weight in his arms as she breathes through her contractions. Or their kids watching intently & anxiously to see if mommy is okay and cheering her on from outside the birthing pool (yes, it happened and it was amazing!). And I just cannot say enough about outside support from Doulas, midwives or nurses. Capturing them at work is always a thankful keepsake for the parents as well.

So, from here on out I will be doing everything and anything I can to help myself grow as a photographer. The one thing I am currently looking forward to is attending a newborn photography workshop in July in Ohio, USA. I cannot wait!! And in the meantime, I will be studying,  researching & experimenting with photography as much as I can.

A HUGE Thank you goes out to all my clients!

New Life!

Just recently I have been a part of something I never knew I'd ever be a part of, let alone photographing....
A home water birth! 
It was the most amazing experience ever and hopefully not the last. This family allowed me to become a part of welcoming their third daughter/sister into this world. All in the comfort of their own home.
Approximately one week prior to her birth, I had the opportunity to photograph my first maternity session with her. She was an absolute sweetheart to work with. There were no limits to this session. We even ended up climbing a fence to get in with hundreds of sheep! And she ended up submersing herself in the beautiful waters of the St.Lawrence ~ Made for a pretty nice picture.

When I received the call that she was in labor I felt like a "Daddy-to-be", scrambling around to get stuff packed together as quickly as possible!!! I was there in less than 10 minutes, I even beat the MIDWIFE!!!

So, this was the beginning of a wonderful birth. The mother was completely in control of her breathing & contractions and totally tuned into her body. Not to mention the wonderful husband who had the birth pool filled up to the perfect temperature, food on the table and both his girls well taken care of. The most impressive part of this whole experience was their two beautiful daughters who were there to capture the moment with Mommy & Daddy. If anyone ever says that this is a bad idea.........you are wrong! The oldest daughter was 4 and the youngest 2.5 years old and they were well prepared for what they were to expect. The youngest daughter had a lot of empathy & love for her mother and always had a hand on her. The oldest daughter was a brilliant cheerleader! She never stopped telling her mommy how great she was doing and she loved her mommy very much! It was so heartwarming to see all this.

She, (we) welcomed a beautiful healthy 7lb 12oz baby girl into the world. The whole roomed softened when this girl was brought up out of the water. The midwives, doulas, mommy & daddy & both sisters were 100% focused in on that baby. And myself......well...........I was trying so hard to focus through the viewfinder of my camera with my eyes filled with tears.

It's weeks later and I am still in awe!
I'm hoping that I have many more births to photograph after this. I couldn't think of doing anything else more rewarding and heartwarming.

P.S. If you are expecting, please consider having a Midwife and Doula at your birth. They are so helpful & comforting.

Youngest sister keeping a close eye on mommy